Just a quick update to let you all know what's been happening on the ruKus front! Thanks to everyone who tunes in everyday, and loves the hell out of some independent music! We've been working hard on updating, labeling, and weighing the rotation of songs in our library! We're committed to bringing you the finest in independent music 24 hours a day, and that's just what this library update is going to do. But we've got thousands of songs in ruKus - the library, so it's taking some time. We've got some big things lined up for 2009, so be sure to stop back every day.
And as a teaser, we're working hella hard at securing an interview with the Godfather of Funk himself. So stay tuned for updates on that as well.
As always, stay locked on the best independent radio station on the information uberhighway. www.ruKusradio.net.
The Fear of Zero
5 weeks ago